Life Care Team

Troy Kerber

Executive Director at Elite Life Care Services, LLC, and Elite Guardian Services, Inc

Lewis University

Greater Chicago area, State of Illinois, Northwest Indiana, Southern Wisconsin

Troy has over 35 years as a Life Care and healthcare visionary, who has been active in the greater Chicago area marketplace, as well as the entire state of Illinois for several years. Troy's reputation, integrity, and passion for assisting clients and ward's in challenging, complex situations is well known in the legal, and fiduciary communities. Troy's past resume includes, being the first employee of a firm, that eventually became one of the largest firms in the country for providing Life Care Management, and Guardianship services. At Elite Life Care Services, our business model is designed to provide seamless services, and also provide us with the opportunity to positively reach, and impact the lives of more people, with our cost effective, and creative strategies!

Troy has extensive experience in various fields including Life Care Management,Guardianship, Estate and Property Solutions, Power of Attorney representation, Forensic Accounting, and Home Healthcare Services. "My professional goal is to take any perceived challenging situation, and find the creative strategy, and solution to achieve successful outcomes, for our clients, and ward's through optimally effective services navigation!" " We have a passion for taking on the most challenging cases involving complex client, and family dynamics, and most importantly, providing the necessary strategies required to solve those situations! "

The combination of our team's expertise, and our team of professionals, including MSW's, RN's, and our certified Guardians, along with my personal expertise will ensure successful implementation of those strategies. "At the end of the day, we are blessed to be involved in providing services, that can positively impact, and enrich our clients lives!" " Elite is empowered to be in a people oriented profession, and we treat every client and ward, as if they are personal family members!"

Elite Life Care Services and Elite Guardians, under Troy's leadership have experienced, continued, positive growth, since the inception of the program, as a valued part of the Elite Care group Services model. Elite is currently a silver sponsor for NAELA, IICLE, and Troy is also an active member of several estate planning groups in metro Chicago, and northern Illinois. Troy is also a member of the Case Management Society of America.

Troy has also been very active, within the communities, where he has resided for several years. As a former athlete, and personal trainer he has mentored many young athletes in pursuit of their dreams and eventual success! Years of training and competing as a serious athlete have provided Troy, with the foundation necessary to be successful in his current field. Troy has two adult children, and currently resides in the western suburbs. For more information on the Elite Life Care Services and Elite Guardians programs' please feel free to contact Troy directly for any inquiries or consultation at 630-470-3893 or tkerber@elitelcs.com




tkerber@elitelcs.com 630-470-3893




Life Care Managers

SALLY HANSEN shansen@elitelcs.com

MEGAN SWEENEY msweeney@elitelcs.com

WALLACE CAMIS wcamis@elitelcs.com

GLORIA SUTTER gsutter@elitelcs.com

JOY SZULC jsculz@elitelcs.com

STACY MARTINEZ AISPURO Saispuro@elitelcs.com

MILLIE GONZALEZ mgonzalez@elitelcs.com

AMANDA TITUS atitus@elitelcs.com

SUSAN JERWERS sjerwers@elitelcs.com

SHANNON VOGT svogt@elitelcs.com

SARAH WHITNEY swhitney@elitelcs.com

DANIELLE MOON dmoon@elitelcs.com

LILY SWEENEY lsweeney@elitelcs.com

Life Care Associate

ADRIANO VASQUEZ avasquez@elitelcs.com

STACY MARTINEZ smartinez@elitelcs.com

STEPHEN JERWERS stephenj@elitelcs.com

BETHANY CATES bcates@elitelcs.com

JENISE NEWELL jnewell@elitelcs.com

VICTORIA GONZALEZ vgonzalez@elitelcs.com

CHACARAH MERCER cmercer@elitelcs.com

OLIVE KAISER okaiser@elitelcs.com

NIKKI SCHMIDT nschmidt@elitelcs.com


SAMANTHA MARTINEZ smartinez@elitelcs.com